lundi 31 mai 2010

Service documentation, schematic diagrams, charts, descriptions forToshiba laptops

  Concepts, detailed service documentation for laptops Toshiba.




in the subject: Upgrading and repairing laptops

How to remove password bios on laptops and service systems, Toshiba

Generators engineering passwords for laptops.

Program for testing batteries of notebooks and netbooks

vendredi 28 mai 2010

Selected questions and answers on repair SAT Receivers.

Question from imant ...

Tuner humaks va-ace + with a good signal is sypitsya picture after about an hour of work tuner almost Nowy tell my what is the problem, but noticed when switching channels again all shows.

Reply from fonaref ...

Break of the electrolyte in the power supply me - is ...

Question from imant ...

I bought a Nova tuner take them six months and the electrolyte is how I understand Conder except for six months he could vyiti failure.

Reply from fonaref ...

Easily and not just for six months - as happened, and for half a day - if one is a wizened set ... Sometimes it happens ... so it is not surprising.

Question from imant ...

Conder tell my what needs to be changed

Reply from fonaref ...

In BP electrolytic capacitor for filtering food 1000mkf (C13) will find himself on the board of pulse BP - if you are friends with a soldering iron of course - and then ask someone pomoch.Po least - if not in it - would not be worse - they are still from time to Time change - because when using the electrolyte dries up - the capacity is reduced - that's occasionally occur trably.Udachi.

mercredi 26 mai 2010

How to Delete System Password on Toshiba Notebook Netbook Pc


Libretto 50, 70, 100, 110

Portégé 610, 620, 650, 660, 2000, 2010, 3010, 3020, 3110, 3140, 3440

Portégé 3480, 3490, 3500, 4000, 4010, 7000, 7010, 7020, 7140

Portégé 7200, 7200CTe, 7220CTe

Portégé A100, M100, M200, R100, Qosmio F10, G10

Qosmio E10

Satellite 100, 110, 200, 220, 300, 310, 320, 330, 1400, 1410, 1550, 1800

Satellite 1000, 1100, 1110, 1130, 1200, 1605, 1625, 1675, 1695 , 1715, 1730

Satellite 1750, 1905, 1955, 2430, 3000, A30, A70, M30X, P10, P25

Satellite 2060, 2100, 2140, 2180, 2210, 2230, 2250, 2400, 2410, 2450

Satellite 2500, 2510, 2520, 2530, 2540, 2550, 2590, 2610, 2650, 2670

Satellite 2710, 2750, 2770, 2800, 4000, 4010, 4020, 4030, 4060, 4070 

Satellite 4080, 4090, 4100, 5000, 5100, 5200, A10, A20, A40

Satellite M30

Satellite Pro 400, 410, 420, 430, 440, 460, 470, 480, 490, 4220, 4260, 4270

Satellite Pro 4280, 4290, 4310, 4320, 4330, 4340, 4360, 4380, 4600, 6000, 6100

Satellite Pro M10

Tecra 500, 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, 700, 710, 720, 730, 730X, 740

Tecra 750, 780, 8000, 8100, 8200, 9000, 9100, A1, A2

TE2000, TE2100

Tecra M1, M2, M2V

T100, T200, T1800, T1850, T1900, T1910, T1950, T1960, T2100

T2130, T2150, T2400, T2450, T3300, T3400, T3600, T4400, T6400

T4500, T4600, T4700, T4800, T4850, T4900, T6600

Equium, Infinia

Magnia, M500, M500D Server

Toshiba V3100, 3200, V3300 Value-Priced Desktop

  • Use the parallel port wraparound connector (P/N: TTW-9100) on the parallel printer port. Some models require either an I/O bar (ships with some models) or a port replicator (sold separately) to provide a parallel port. The Portege 2xxx, 35xx, Qosmio E1x, Satellite 5xxx require Printer PC Card (P000293630) and PC Card Cable (P000293640) to provide a parallel port.
  • Challenge code method. Contact Toshiba ATS for instructions.
  • Password deletion software is required. Ship computer to Toshiba Manufacturing Repair Center (MRC) or Premier ASP
  • Reset via jumper setting on motherboard. See maintenance manual for location and setting.
  • Reset via shorting jumper pad (J1 - Satellite 100x, 110x, 113x, 1200, 16xx, 190x, 243x, 300x, A7x, M3xX, P1x and P25 /J2 – Satellite 111x, 195x/J7 – Satellite A3x / J9 - Satellite 17xx ) on the system board for at least five seconds with system powered off and main battery and AC adapter disconnected. This procedure will also reset the CMOS Setup values. The jumper pad is located beneath the memory cover. With the exception of the Satellite 110x, the expansion memory may need to be removed for access to the jumper pad. On the Satellite 110x, the jumper pad is to the right of the modem, just outside the memory expansion slot. The modem harness, which runs along side the memory expansion slot, will need to be moved out of the way to view jumper pad.

• See the Toshiba Service and Support website for Support Bulletins detailing password deletion instructions

for newer models:


Satellite 1000/1005 – J1


Satellite 1100/1105 – J1


pwdel - Nov 04 - with notice.doc Service Engineering Department 11/18/2004

Satellite 1110/1115 – J2


Satellite 1130/1135 – J1


pwdel - Nov 04 - with notice.doc Service Engineering Department 11/18/2004

Satellite 1200 – J1


Satellite 1605/1625 – J1


pwdel - Nov 04 - with notice.doc Service Engineering Department 11/18/2004

Satellite 1675/1695 – J1


Satellite 1900/1905 – J1


pwdel - Nov 04 - with notice.doc Service Engineering Department 11/18/2004

Satellite 1950/1955 – J2


Satellite 2430/2435 – J1


pwdel - Nov 04 - with notice.doc Service Engineering Department 11/18/2004

Satellite 3000/3005 – J1


Satellite A30/A35 J7


pwdel - Nov 04 - with notice.doc Service Engineering Department 11/18/2004

Satellite A70/A75 – J1


Satellite M30X/M35X – J1


pwdel - Nov 04 - with notice.doc Service Engineering Department 11/18/2004

Satellite P10/P15 – J1


Satellite P20/P25 – J1


pwdel - Nov 04 - with notice.doc Service Engineering Department 11/18/2004

dimanche 23 mai 2010

Collection of Plasma and Lcd repair tips

In this topic many ISSUES about REPAIR PDP and TFT (LCD) TV! lcd repair book

Plasma Screen Panasonic TH-42PW6EXS 
She came with a faulty power supply in the chain of five. As a stabilizer in this chain was used AN7705F. In view of his absence he was replaced by TDA8137 using 7yu leg as the output of +5.1 V, and the third and 4yu feet locked on the body. The difficulty was to replace the low voltage input voltage stabilizer (6.3 in). As the cooling was applied a small copper flazhek.


lcd repair tips


Had a few cases of LG panels with defective PDP2V6 CTRL, electronic malfunction on board were found, but replacement by another, the panel worked without problems .... After pereprogramirovaniya flashes, malfunction and gone. This firmware Logik - Firmware flush CTRL 6871QCH034A - 42V61EU1C (version). The firmware was read programmer with an adapter TSOP-48, with a new Logik-board. Certainly had some trouble, but at a ......
All broken CTRL pulled out of the panels are defective scans and killed Y-SUS, if the Y-SUS remained serviceable, Logik-Board did not suffer. But in the cases of murdered Y-SUS should not immediately plunge into a panic and buy a new CTRL 6871QCH034A or nothing pereprogramirovat. At 30 dead, Y-SUS affects approximately 2-3 CTRL. When dead Z-SUS or most panel firmware would not fly, in any case I have ever had more .... LG recommends replacement Logik scans for dead anyway, but I will say from experience that CTRL - not weak weak link in this system. Sometimes it helps to replace electrolytes and propayka. Vozni lot, but it also, and is ..... 

A bit of cooling scans and repairs and other fees. There's a lot to argue about whether you need to cool certain chips. If you listen to the advice of those who believe that all electronic components can withstand fairly large temperatutu at high loads and repeatedly tested at the factory, etc. Anything can and correctly. But practice shows something quite different. Many years have already been using the principle of cooling of parts and tell you, quite successful this occupation. Was used my will - open to new Appliances and rearranging them immediately. The most vulnerable spots PDP2V6 and similar models - a scan driver, after 2-3 years of work-SN755866 chip and thus similar to simply burn out and dragged into oblivion with a rather expensive fee Y-SUS (although not always, if a customer knew that include TV can not - then Y can be saved). Sami board drivers are not quite cheap and not every shop sells, it is necessary to patch .... Ideal - and acquire new board. If there is no possibility and means can be repaired old ones, especially all the chips do not burn at the same time as on some models, Samsung is going on. It is better to use the new SN755866, because donors were more likely overheated, overloaded, and their feeding of additional load (in addition to be 100% sure that the chip is in order, if it is closed - just goes down Y-SUS). Dead unsolder chips fairly easily, you can even akuratno cut all the legs of the soldering iron and heated from below (SN755866 soldered even lower to dissipate heat), remove the faulty mikruhu. I personally use hot air for desoldering. (Less fear that spoil the track). Pre-course we want to remove silicone, first coarsely (you can just nail), then soak it all in a solvent-based Nitro - Acetone, etc. (Careful with the solvent, many cards are connectors (plastic), for which the nitro - is death). Silicon becomes a kind of gelatin, soaked in water and easily removed with an old toothbrush. Another thing, if mikruha filled eboksitom, but it's a Samsung and this other time ... Landing site of course need to clean, remove excess tin Entlötlitze, copper network for sale now everywhere (otherwise it would be hard to put into place mikruhu), wipe the seat again for the disposal of fats, nitro, too, would go. After landing accurate solder mini-soldering iron on all sides by 3-4 feet, check with a magnifying glass is best symmetry. Then a large soldering iron to solder the chip down, here tin regret is not necessary, it is important to mikruha was soldered to the bottom, otherwise there will be heat on the board at the bottom and the legs of a lot of heat is not otvedesh. After already be soldered SN-ku minipayalnikom completely all 4 sides is desirable to have contact with each foot. for washing after soldering, I use the same nitro. At the bottom of the file added FD3284F (full Datashit unfortunately not yet, but the block diagram of the device can understand the principle of work). This is analogous to SN755866, noted that they are more reliable and durable in the work, but sales so far only available for manufacturers in the slats.

  Damp_CTRL.rar  17.1 KBDownload
  fd3284f.pdf  64.97 KBDownload



NA SN755866 chip in these models is almost impossible to stick heat-IT elements of aluminum or copper, because as Chip is a bar inside and between the panel and mikruhoy no room, and blow in this case is not very efficiently. The problem I decided to just. On the back pripaevaem for each SN-Ke copper wire thickness of about 1mm from it and wound spiral as in the photo. Efecta powerful - IC bask without blowing at 15-20% less. and to blow right by 50-60%. All this is taken not from the ceiling. Conducted experiments with measurements of temperature.
Most weaknesses (very warm themselves) is ckany, gibridka on Y-SUS and gibridka on Z-sus. In addition Mainboard (About the talk that stands alone) Grundig-Beko - the weakest point in these models. (Overheating, tap, flight software, etc.). That's why I posted a forced air cooling at these locations. Lyuftery desirable to take 120 mm for Y and Z Sus - s and 90mm for 8 Y51.190R-straining 12 volts. Large lyuftera less noisy than the small, but at the same time at lower bridle given to blow enough air. All the same, this is not a plane AN-24, a TV, so you should pay attention not only for cooling, but also the comfort cooling system. If you throw on lyuftera 12 V, I personally would not like to have a plane in the flat (me and the refrigerator in the kitchen enough). The voltage should be reduced to a minimum, approximately 5-6 volts, depending on the type lyuftera, then everyone can adjust the speed. But it is also important to lyuftera expected for 12 Volt free run (if napryazhemie very weak, there may be problems with running). All three lyuftera be powered from a separate power supply (I think this should not be here love to confess), after a relyushku. Where to connect relyushku - where there are 12 volts at the TV. I have a 12 in the audio of the power supply for Grundig-Mainboard. Load power supply himself three lyufterami should not be: a big load, and secondly lyuftera do sometimes go wrong, but samodelochny block at 12 - I think this is not a problem for the people of this forum. Photo attaching

Спиральки охлаждения сканов

Люфтер Y-SUS  120мм 12Вольт

Z-SUS-Люфтер 120мм 12 Вольт

Люфтер - Mainboard


Takaya cooling system provides cooling of all components of the unit. Works no louder than the sound of the panel without audio sound. Blowing cool also blocks CTRL, the main power supply panel, power supply Grundig-Mainbord, as well. In order to save electric energy, can dream up and adjust the airflow depending on the temperature with sencorami, automatic starting and stopping, etc. But everyone can implement something of my own .......

About Grundig - Beko: The experience of recent years - it does not Grundig 80's and 90's. I had my way - would prohibit the release of all .... Interest around 80 I receive the repair models Grundig-Beko problem was not in the panels by LG and Samsung, as in the "washing" the panels in those "Grundikah and Beco"
Power supply - even where not kept, but the main board type Y51.190R-8 and such .... this is a real catastrophe ..... Of course I have no time to recoup flashes with each model with vypanivaniem. But one of the most problematic - will lay out here, because even the no interface and the original software from Grundig, a it is not pereprogramirovat after umertvleniya for one reason or another, it is not possible .... Sami boards are very sensitive on the subject of video processors, which can not be replaced. Prices for the full fee - space: from 350 - to 500 Euros. Here comes here to patch holes. Donors' I had this model for a lot, but all with a strange software. Conclusion: do not buy a Beko, and spent money on esche a programmer with adapters T-Sop 48, vypayal stick and read it with two models and preserved. Original software from Beko - in the Soviet Union easier camshaft on Zhiguli get!! In this way, restore or reconstruct a fairly decent amount Y51.190R-6 and Y51.190R-8 (differ only in software ).......

Note: Software versions of the boards Y51.190R - 6 to the panel 42 is not suitable, another scan, but her service menü change not only possible through intrefeys Grundig. (A is the image on the panel will not fit, but all else is working alone one)
Soft on Y51.190R-8 will put a little later, make out his archive first ....... somewhere lies silent ..... And another thing: Please note: we are not about Serial - eepromah with memory, but the Flash Type: 29LV800 - 29LV160 8 / 16 bit, it then lays the working software for the TV as a Windows PC to your hard drive. It is ridiculous of course can recall this, but I already asked the wizard who tried to somewhere in the 100-Gertsovom TV Sony, the main Flash programmed information of the channels tunera, or vice versa - in 24C16 tried to cram into the main software of the TV Sony, with a capacity exceeding a dozens of times ...... Generally Programming - a science separate ..........., but without it in the modern world is not enough

Info for AM29LV160 - Flash - memory is in many models Grundig - Beko, programiruesya programmer with an adapter
Type: T-Sop-48 / 8bit modus, T-sop48/16bit modus. Those who have no programmer and T-Sop48, but have experience pereprogramiryvaniya DVD-player based on chip MT8105 (or similar) and flash 29LV160-yourself interface and DVD_MTK_Tools just need to solder a chip pereprogramirovat necessary software, return to the place ..... for those who have Grundig - interface and the original software and programs, unsolder the chip needs only if he is dead or fully congregate software. In most cases, soldering is not needed ..........
Firmware for Y51.190R-8 Mainboard

  Damp_Y51.190R-6.rar  330.2 KBDownload
  damp_y51.190r-8_133.rar  334.36 KBDownload
  am29lv160_pdf_677.rar  721.53 KBDownload


LCD Samsung Model: LE32R31SX/XES The client and take it under warranty, after two years with the problem: The sound is - the image disappears in different ways, or not appear at all, or we need to include a few dozen times so far appear izobrazhenie.ili disappears after 2-3 hours. In the studio said that replaced the LCD-Panel TV and returned back. I worked a couple of weeks, and again the same problem at this time the guarantee is over. Appliances fell into the hands of the master, who replaced the power supply to a new level for 250 Euro. TV worked for 3 weeks before returning to an old problem and came to the same master, this time was proposed replacement of the other charges 400 evro.Klient of course refused, bought a new one and this one dropped into the basement. I repaired it expensive SAECO coffee machine and a reward except for a payment received yet this TV for parts. I told him that I do not need it, your stuff know what to do, but look in terms of repair can try. And so the sound is there, the screen is dark. Opened, the type of saw nothing, he decided to drive, it's hard to start, but at the moment when something is measured like or do not turn on, or hours worked fine. All voltages are normal. He began to heat and cool everything, but found nothing. Propayal just in case Inverter Plata with transformers. Worked per week at my house and the old. Suspicions on Soft?? But he did not hurry up, driving as long as possible, checking the voltage on the inverters and one remarkable moment, said that the whole problem is sometimes with boards of inverters, and single-colored picture shows that something is illuminated sometimes not all right, it is clear that the illumination disabled, but because of what?? Examined all the platinum, all right, I have a donor search. Light plugs checked everything all right. Already quit this business like I suddenly noticed that the twitching cables illumination at the television, has emerged "problemka ours." It turned out one kabelek something quite finally otgorel. And this was that there is, no !!!!! From the factory they are welded to the lamps, but I did not disassemble the socket completely: cut out a little tin from the shell to get to the lamp cord cleaned, wrapped, soldered with tin, and 100% Ti did zazhimchik metallic copper. All closed, supplied inverter board first cooled from one lyuftera, put in place of his, drove a month a way and returned the master. Since then, working for a year without any problems. But every day with no problems encountered would love



Types of defects - bad loops with T-CONT in the matrix. Sprawled on the blades, while in the latter (repair) plume was no contact at 10-15 conclusions. Stsuko dumped six months after the epidemic of the shaft. At first did not understand, and threw him to the cancellation of such a defect of the matrix. And from Kiev assholes we began to fight. 
In general, then:

  Bad shleyf.rar 650.41 KB Download




TV did to malfunction - a white vertical stripe on the right of the image.
The Matrix: LTM190EX-L21 (Samsung)

Away from the plume of the matrix to the board. To Restore pressed plume to the board clamp
resting on a rigid strip of foam rubber.


Samsung LE32AU51C1XRU

He entered with a diagnosis of "not out of the S-BY".
An autopsy showed that the main board does not come signal ON / OFF. The problem resolved Firmware Flash.
File attached.

  T-CRL32PEUMD-1015 [1], [1] .0. Zip 843.57 KB Download


LCD Toshiba 37WL65R

Works 2-3 hours, then the image artifacts that occur in the form of strips, then squares the image. The board should RE0081 chip IC700 in which all image processing. Measurement of temperature showed that the chip is warmed up very strongly, about 80 degrees. Since heat sink was a sink of aluminum plate and pomernoy heat-conducting substrate, it was clear that it is necessary to improve cooling. I think that the reason that the substrate between the chip and heat sink, which is flat to impossible. In the end, smeared the chip heat-conducting paste, fins lowered and pressed to the chip. Installation of the cooler at 5 volts. Now working fine улыбка
The pictures under the cooler radiator

LCD Samsung LW40A13W, chassis AL40AO.

Year of operation. External PSU. High-frequency noise from the TV, as well as noise from the speakers something like the rustle. The reason was swollen 1200mkf * 35B in BP. By the sound - in the piping IC13 TA1101B croaked Conder 1mkf * 25B, marking scheme C27, hence the noise in the speakers.


Inverter for LCD TV BIT3102A - a way to disable the protection.

I could not diagnose the defect known methods. We had to climb in the shield BIT3102A - find a way otklycheniya protection. For inverters at BIT3102A = disable security setting on pin 6 voltage 2,5 V.
In my case it turned out - failure of two positions. This method helped them to locate.



Heated ms PWM inverter circuit board and fuse burns FU2A to 12c. China.

I want to share my success, can someone come in handy. Orders inverter failed.
But the desire to revive the unit climbed a mountain, with success.
Okuratno, using a knife and cutting pliers, poizvraschalsya on-chip PWM inverter. It turned out that flew off FET neizvesnoy brand. At his own risk (losing was not why) bought instrumentman IRF 640 and soldered them instead of the original (same pinout). Photo prikleplyayu. Polevik planted on the radiators, just in case. Run for 17 days without a break - flying Psychodelic_Creature.


AKAI LTA-26C903 Problem: after switching to dezh.rezhima screen zasvechivaetsya normally for 1-3 seconds. and goes, but the sound remains.

Almost immediately came to the inverters, as Team off to a procedure does not go, but he still stops working, the inverter is made up of two boards, which tore at different ends of the TV, connecting train, went into denial fee, which is right, the signal ob.svyazi that came with it is not, of course when he ceased to go to train at the first substantive llatu, the protection is reset and it was a high-voltage disconnect samoproizvolno.prichinoy blue Conder in a rush to 10kvolt through it and shot ob.svyazi signal, the signal is passed it is not, has caught accidentally in the oscilloscope time otkaza.Mozhet to someone will help this case, and suddenly tipovuha? 

just get better at Conder 10pik 6kvolt. the Photo he was well received


SONY KDL-40U2530. Malfunction - off every 1 sec ..

Learned from the client that he had included a power saving mode. The menu did not have time to go - had to short the resistor 6,8 Ohms 10 Watts at the time and in the menu to remove the regime. Also, due to the fact that this resistor was glued to the relay, the relay coil overheated and died. Relays for 18 Volt - put on 24 runs.

SAMSUNG LE46M87BD POWER BN44-00168. Chinese.

Problem - the sound is not running proofreader power, the output voltage corrector - 280 volts. Breaking track power PWM ICE1PC802 ICP801-DIP. It feeds on the winding PWM ICE3B0365J ICS801-DIP.
Track severed near the radiator CCM.


LCD SONY (, China without a model) 15 "- Matrix Samsung LTM15OXH-L06 - strip on the screen.

Error in the matrix.


That is a miracle! The owner says that the little boy screen washed with water, roll on the paint. The water probably came in the matrix. Question of the specialists of the matrices: a pipets or lechitsa? Appliances are not parsed by reason, and WMS Needless? So izvenyayus that the composition unspecified. If you want, correct it. подмигивание Ksati, circles visible and vyklyuchonnom too.


Source :


TIP : Use Google Toolbar to translate language

vendredi 21 mai 2010

خلاصة الاعطال التلفزيون الصينى


الجهاز فى وضعية الاستعداد مضاء ولا يقوم الجهاز رغم الضغط على الريموت اكثر من مرة مع التاكد من سلامة الريموت ثم يقوم الجهاز بعد فترة نصف ساعة يعمل صوت وصورة تلقائى ويمكن تقليب الجهاز بعد ذلك بالريموت


عندى احتمالات بسيطة وليكن

اولا عطل فى الايبروم ويحتاج استبالها بجديدة مشحونة

ثانيآ قم بتغيير المكثف الصغير بجانب ترانزستور البور وسعته 47Uf

ثالثا الفوتوكوبلر

رابعآ قم بقياس الجهد الخارج من وحدة التغذية وقياس الجهد على كل regulator 12v-5vوقياس الجهد على ترانزستور الاخراج الافقى على ان لايقل عن 110v قم بزيادته بشكل طفيف جدآ لايزيد عن

5Vخامسا حاول من جانب التجربة تغير مكان طرف الاحمر للدفليكشن الافقى

من الاختيارات الموجودة على الشاسية بجانب اللاين

قم بتغيير مكثفات البور ومكثفات تنعيم الميكروكنترولر

فان الشاسية الصينى والاجهزة الصينى متعبة نوعأ ما فلا تستبعد شىء

خلاصة الاعطال من العطارين(الصينى)....بقلم الزقازيقى - الصفحة 34 - منتدى القرية الإلكترونية

jeudi 20 mai 2010

Receiving signals from multiple satellites on one antenna


Multifeed - a device for receiving signals from multiple satellites on one antenna.


The surface of the satellite dish as a mirror reflects the signal from a satellite and focuses it in a certain place called focus.
As quite often happens that a few satellites inetersuyuschimi your programs are far from each other, it becomes possible to assemble the device, which can accommodate some converters next to the focus of the antenna, at the points of focus signals of these satellites

Figure 1 Principle of multifeed


Figure 1 shows that the signal from the satellite to a converter in accordance with the laws of reflection. When we set up the antenna on one satellite, you have a converter like the focus of the antenna, and dish, respectively, we look directly at the satellite. There is also a zone and the maximum signal level. But if we have a plate big enough, and the nearby satellites are quite acceptable for the signal power in our area, we can in accordance with a scheme to try to locate close to the main converter by others, and to receive signals from satellites of interest to us. In most cases, you should configure the central LNB on a satellite with the weakest signal. But in each case is to decide separately. For example, in central Europe is the weakest satellite to view the Russian-language television - Amos, but it is usually properties of the edge multifeed. because it is the least interesting of the others taken at multifeed three satellites - Sirius Hotbirda. Asters and is located on the extreme position.


To determine the possible signal reception enough to pick up a converter with cables connected to it, to enter into the receiver parameters of the most powerful transpordera, located on the satellite, and gently moving the converter in place to be a secondary focus is to try to catch the signal. It should be guided by such rules: The satellite signal is located to the left of the main will be taken in the area located to the right, if you look at multifeed is behind the plates, as shown in Figure 1, and vice versa. Also the signal from the satellite located above the orbit will be made below, and vice versa. It may be that the converter you will not even look at the center of the plates and rotated around the horizontal axis. After you place niluchshego reception can begin to assemble multifeed, ie attachment for additional converter. There may be various options, depending on in which Ku-band or C signals are transmitted at what distance are from each other converters, etc.

Those who wish to calculate the theoretical location of the converters can use the formula proposed by J. Forfun and published on the forum "Byvaly Maker. There you can clarify for myself and many other strange moments of the construction multifeed

Shift converters in multifeed both horizontally and vertically, can be accurately calculated on the assumption that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection:

A = F x sin | a |,

where F - focal length, | a | - module azimuth difference and elevation angles


To offset antennas in the formula for F must not expose the focal distance, and distance from the converter to the center offset more've seen it here

For those who have sufficient access to the antenna, enough empirically to find the best position of the converter at multifeed, moreover, that the specific characteristics of some Chinese dishes especially intended for reception in the C range is often quite different from the characteristics stated in the data sheet, and multifeed calculated by the formula may not provide sufficient reception quality.

Construction multifeed for receiving Russian TV in Western Europe

In Western Siberia, the construction multifeed are complex, as transpordery taken from different satellites are located in the upper Ku-band and in the lower C. The task is complicated not only by the fact that the converters have different sizes and hence have to create their own attachment to them, but so that the configuration of a satellite in C band harder than Ku, since the signal is in this range is more susceptible to a variety of industrial noise, and converters with the range it is important to correctly position the polarizer and the reflector, which is not always an easy task for China's cheap heads

Construction multifeed and recommendations for setup for the reception of television in Western Siberia on information from the website:

To view the channels from satellites Yamal, Ekspess-11, Express-6A, and the LMI must make multifeed. Once assembled, it looks like the photo. Multifeed installed in pryamofokusnuyu dish SVEC, China. The quality on all channels using Receiver Topfild-4000Fi 98-99%.

First, set up a central head on Yamal. It's no big deal, and maximize the signal on all transponders. Then catch the satellite Express 6A, there would have trouble, because the patched on weak transponder most interesting channels.

Ekspress11 caught very easily, because The satellite signal is very powerful, and customize virtually anything not necessary.
With head LMI have the most trouble, because must be very precise position to pick up, not knocking the settings of other heads.

Once you have compiled and configured multifeed need converters to connect to the receiver. For Option 2 to 4 converters used Switches DiSEqC, which switch converters, depending on which channel you choose when watching TV on the receiver. To learn more about the principle of a switch you filter can learn here

Connect 4 LNBs to the receiver.


With options to connect a larger number of converters can be found here


Next in the setup menu receiver to the number or names of satellites aligned with the order to connect the corresponding outputs of the converters to switch. Sometimes it happens that some converters do not work consistently with some types of switches. In this case you should try to connect the other converters, or purchase a higher quality switch, providing a good enough outcome. For example, the German switches "Spaun" practically free from these shortcomings, but their value is high enough.